Natural or artificial, lighting is one of the most important elements in architecture, which directly affects our perception of space. It is able to define volume, enhance color, texture and, therefore, contribute to the overall relationship between dimension, proportion and contrast. One of the many architectural challenges is shaping the space using light and shadow, and sometimes natural light is not enough, requiring additional light sources. One type of lamp is Pendant Lamp or also Chandelier Lamp. Pendant lamp is a lamp that is hang on the ceiling of the room. This can beautify your room. Usually you can use this chandelier in the middle of the room and above the living set, to decorate the room. You can use this Chandelier as a home decoration, or as a lighting tool.
Skylar Hanging Lamp is part of our lighting collection. The design is very beautiful, also the decoration of the material gives a warm light and provides decorative lighting patterns in the room. The material of Skylar Pendant Lights is a mixture of natural rattan with an iron frame, which is very well produced by our best craftsmen. This light filled with creativity, passion, and love. All materials are environmentally friendly and are a gift from nature. We believe that lights can increase happiness and luck. Warm lights help you decorate your space and are perfect for homes, bars, restaurants, hotels and many public places. Feel right at home in your living room, bedroom or hall!